Does FCSS provide Community Grants?

Yes, every year the FCSS Advisory Board receive applications for funding and approves grants to qualified community groups providing preventative social service programs that are within the mandate of the FCSS Act and Regulations. The decision to provide funding is made by the local Advisory Board. An application guideline is available here and the application form here.


Neighbourhood Block Party Grant

Hosting a Neighbourhood Block Party is a great way to get to know your neighbours as well as build and reinforce neighbourhood and community security.

Each neighbourhood may be reimbursed up to $500 for one block party per year. One grant per block, larger grants available for larger groups.

Call the FCSS office (780) 826 2120 to apply.

Volunteer Income Tax Program

Free simple tax returns for low income individuals and families. To check eligibility please call 780-826-2120. Clients need to have all their tax forms in order to complete taxes.

Free Tax Clinic Information

Snow Angels

Snow Angels are individuals who shovel a neighbour’s sidewalk just to be a good neighbour. A Snow Angel can be especially helpful to older adults, people with limited mobility and anyone else needing help, even on a temporary basis.​

Individuals in need of a snow angel can pick up a sign to display in their yard at the Bonnyville FCSS office (4714 48 Street). This sign will let your neighbours know that you need assistance to shovel.

Bonnyville FCSS does not provide snow shoveling services to individual residents and we do not have a list of Snow Angels to match with individuals.

Individual Volunteers

To be a Snow Angel, all you have to do is adopt a neighbour’s sidewalk and keep it clear when it snows. Watch for elderly people or individuals with mobility issues in your neighbourhood who could use help removing snow and lend them a hand.

Individuals who need assistance with snow removal can be found on the Snow Angel map.

Emergency Preparedness

FCSS have been delegated the challenge of preparing the community to be ready to assist people during a disaster and to that end we work with volunteers and community agencies to improve our state of preparedness.

Equally important is the need for individuals and families to be prepared for a disaster. The federal government has an excellent online resource here that will help you be better prepared should a disaster happen in our community.

Get Prepared

Bonnyville Interagency

Bonnyville Interagency meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every second month. The meetings provide opportunities for agencies to meet and exchange information, discuss local concerns, and work together to create solutions.

For information regarding dates and times of the Interagency meetings please contact us via email or phone.